More of my photos from United States

Main | fortune cookies and packing boxes »

coming soon!

I'm leaving for an around-the-world by February 28th (first stop, Fiji!), and will be posting regularly to this blog throughout the trip. (In addition, I'll be making several enhancements to this website before leaving.)

If you'd like to stay posted on my travels through this blog, you can either subscribe to the gone living RSS feed, or subscribe via email (thanks FeedBlitz!) using the subscription box in the right-hand column of this page. Stay tuned for madcap adventures, coming soon!

Comments (1)

kelly saturno:


here's my favorite south island hike - it's a long, gorgeous tramp (which for kiwis means running up the trail as fast as humanly possible) with a nice, big hut and a hotspring. Bring your bathing suit.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2006 11:42 AM.

The next post in this blog is fortune cookies and packing boxes.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.