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welcome to mumbai (bombay), india

heading from japan to india, the 11 hour air india flight was actually pretty good, especially considering the air india customer service horror stories that i'd read when researching them online.

within the first 12 hours of arrival in mumbai (the city formerly known as bombay), i'd witnessed a bit of the intense nature of mumbai traffic (from the back of my seatbeltless taxicab with the trunk tied shut with twine to hold my backpack in), had the biggest rat i'd seen in my life run across the sidewalk in front of me, had my reserved hotel completely rip me off and threaten to charge my credit card anyways, and had beggars/hucksters/dealers hassle and follow me through the streets.

but then i changed hostels in the morning, met some great backpackers to hang out with for the next few days, toured the beautiful prince of wales museum, and all is well again and i feel grounded enough to relax, explore the city, and try to get a handle on the nature of both mumbai and india.

Comments (1)

Jeff Dunlap:

Mumbai is fantastic, though I am still hazy as to the political implications of the name change(so many different points of view).

But then, reading politics in India is always incredibly difficult. Excited to see details of your travel in the rest of the country.

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