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from camel sausage to wattleseed pavlova: my dinner with jean

just finished dinner at the prarie hotel in scenic parachilna where i ordered the "feral mixed grill" -- a mix of camel sausage, emu patty, and kangaroo filet, served over mashed potatoes with a red wine sauce. when i told our hostess that i liked the camel and emu best, she looked at me like i was a little crazy and mentioned "most people like the kangaroo best." jean backed her up, especially since she had the wallaby shanks for her entree. (traitor!) we finished off our meal with a wattleseed pavlova, which was tasty although the homemade pavlova that our hosts in new zealand made for us was (of course!) far superior.

we're staying in one of the "heritage rooms" at this classic outback hotel/pub/restaurant, which means an oldschool aussie outback room, complete with 20-foot celings and cool detailing. if you happen to pass through parachilna on your own travels, and you have not eaten the above animals yet, i recommend a night there combined with a hearty serving of Feral Mixed Grill.

Comments (6)

Maybe it's just me but "wattleseed" could use a wikipedia link too -- I've never heard of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wattleseed


just added it to the entry on your advice. thanks chanel!


Hey Cuz! My mom just told me about your blog--sounds like you're having a great time!
Take care,
Laurie :)

Wow, I'm totally impressed. I don't know if I could do it!


hey laurie... glad you found the blog! i'm definitely having a great time on this trip.

allyson, thanks for the props. this is my making up for not eating the beetles being sold as a late-night snack at the night market in siem reap, cambodia.

gwen [TypeKey Profile Page]:

You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand!

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