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one early lima morning

symphony through the single-pane glass of a lima apartment:

the first notes are sounded at dawn from the birds roosting in the palm trees. then the first engines being to rev in the streets, followed by a car alarm going off just outside the window. a woman's voice shouting in spanish and her pack of dogs barking as she lets them outside into the walled-in yard to roam around and start their day. hammering and sawing as small-scale construction projects get underway.

all of this blends and grows and feeds upon itself to combine into the symphony of noises that is lima as the day finally begins. needless to say, i woke up very early today and couldn't sleep, so i figured that i'd document this instead!

postfix: after i finally decided to check my watch to see what time it was and get my day started, i realized that despite being massively out of range here in Peru from the broadcast signal of the US Atomic Clock in Ft. Collins, Colorado, it had somehow automatically picked up the signal at 2:05am this morning and synchronized itself. weird!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 30, 2007 8:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is it's all about the oasis.

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