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what are you doing in my bathroom?

on our last night in queenstown, jean and i ran into allyson and bryan in the kitchen of bumbles backpackers. clutching my packet of peanut satay instant noodles in my hand, i was shocked to see brian sitting at the kitchen table.

since our last encounter in fiji, we had vague plans to meet up again in new zealand but we never did anything about it (aside from some not-quite-completed plans about possibly visiting/working at the llama farm. but nevertheless, there they were in the same city, at the same hostel, in the same room, at the same time as us.

after our initial chat, allyson excused herself to head back to her room for a few minutes. when i made a quick bathroom stop in my dorm room, i walked into the room only to find allyson a the sink of our shared bathroom. this meant that allyson had somehow ALSO ended up in the exact same section of bubmbles that we were in. my statistics class skills area a little rusty, so i don't know the exact odds of this, other than "ridiclously small".

we proceeded to celebrate our happy coincidence by going our drinking (where jean was also able to consume a mighty leg of lamb), and we proceeded to take random pictures of each other.

since we coincidentally had the same itinerary for our quit-work-and-go-travelling plans, we're all headed to australia next. my bet is that we'll run into them in broome while watching movies from deck chairs...

Comments (2)

Yay! Nicely put. It was a pleasure and a surprise to see you both. In the bathroom. I agree -- the chances are microscopic. Unlike the spiders we're sure to encounter in Australia. 'Til we meet again...


looking forward to it. even though we have totally different itineraries for australia, i hold out hope that somehow we will be in broome at the same place and same time, watching an evening movie outdoors from our well-placed deckchairs.

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