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the best of pokhara

after enjoying my leisurely week in pokhara, it's time for me to be heading on to kathmandu, and then onwards to the arabian peninsula from there.

but before i leave, i wanted to share with you my picks of the best places and things to do in pokhara:

Best Breakfast: Mike's Restaurant

Best Dinner: Moondance (great pizzas AND mexican food? heaven...)

Best Happy Hour: Moondance (cheap beer and free microscopic pizza slice)

Best Midrange Hotel: Hotel Travel-Inn (you can get the top-floor penthouse apartment room for 500 nepal rupees with sufficient bargaining)

Best Place to Unleash Your Inner Buddhist: Ganden Yiga Chozin Buddhist Meditation & Retreat Centre

Best Bar: The Busy Bee (of course! it seems like they are the most popular backpacker bag in town, and usually have a good vibe. you can't be in pokhara without hearing about this place.)

Biggest Tourist Trap: Devi's Falls

i'll miss all the nights spent out with other backpackers, hearing the same set of songs played by the same cover band every night at busy bee, and all the of my unproductive yet very relaxing time. everyone needs a lost week now and then!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 30, 2006 7:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is escape... from kathmandu!.

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