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in pakokku

this place is definitely the real deal. i believe i'm the only tourist in the town - crowds of curious kids surrounded me when i got off the ferry (along with hordes of horsecart and trishaw drivers). i got a trishaw over to the hotel, and for the 20-minute journey i was the subject of fascinated attention from the locals, along with frequent "hello!"s from the children.

arrived at the inn where the innkeeper said he would "treat me as his son", and take me to the pwe (festival) planned for tonight, show me where the restaurants are, and generally help me understand a town that occupies only a few paragraphs (and no map) in my lonely planet myanmar book.

as i lie in my room, smelling the slightly sweet smoke from the burning mosquito coils, i think i'm going to take laos out of my itinerary so i can extend my time in myanmar and vietnam instead. moving too fast is hard, and i definitely am starting to feel like i'm pushing it a bit.

naptime now, then off to dinner and the festival.

Comments (1)

Chris Volk:

So how was the festival?

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