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beautiful sunset in goa

amazing days, beautiful sunsets.

headed down to south goa and arrived at patnem beach, where we arrived late last night (after a train ride, and then a long taxi, into town.)

the rain here has been coming down in occasional monsoons, but we've been dealing with it ok. for the first time since i arrived in india, i've finally run across cattle in the streets (and beaches) here, and they truly are free to wander where they please (and those who don't want them in their backyards used barbed wire fences to keep them out). however, the stray dogs and cats tend to have the run of interior places like the restaurants.

i'm planning to stay here until tuesday, and then head on to kathmandu from here. the weather here has been a little cloudy, but when the sun comes out the beaches are fantastic. we've been out in the water in the afternoons, and lounging by the ocean the rest of the daytime, or exploring local events like the anjuna flea market.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 6, 2006 4:03 PM.

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