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sofa surfing in london

after a truly excellent time in cambridge catching up with some great friends, i headed down to london today with a 1-way ticket to kings cross and a travelcard.

thanks to my friends and their generosity helping me with contacts when i give 24 hours notice that i'm arriving in a scandalously expensive city without a place to stay, i ended up landing at a friend of a friend's house, where i'm currently taking up temporary residence for a few days until i head out to paris on monday afternoon. my sincere thanks to danny for letting me stay at his flat with only one day's notice and never having met me before, and supplying us with leone 70 rum and coffees, which are a powerful way to begin the way. now i'm off for a night of powerful bank holiday weekend drinking around london with danny, his brother dan, and their friends.

oh, and hello to the UK branch of the suicide girls -- somehow 5% of my traffic is currently being driven from a message board on the suicide girls UK website! since i'm not a member of the site, i can't read the message, but the attention is flattering nonetheless. hi girls!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2006 9:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was a day in amsterdam.

The next post in this blog is south london days.

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