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octopus love

Much love to our friends at the octopus resort in fiji!

Jean and I had an amazing week there... we came for a day, but ended up spending seven there, learning to scuba dive, sunning ourselves on the beach, playing card games with our friendly posse of swedes, and doubtfully watching the pool turn from blue to green. (the last one will be fixed by now)

this place is an undiscovered gem, and we were lucky to be there. mad props to ross, polly, and the rest of the octopus team. and of course, thanks to allyson and bryan for tipping us off to the land of the octopus.

and to our friends on the octopus staff -- keep on with the scuba lessons, music every night, naps in the afternoon, and basket weaving lessons.

Comments (3)

Wow! I'm so thrilled that you liked it. And a bit surprised. (I was ready to go after 5 days -- probably after 4. Not that I didn't love it, just a bit slow on the pace. But you did the scuba, congrats!) I too have lovely memories of the Octopus. Did you jump on the trampoline?!


we were in the dorm right outside the trampoline, but never jumped on it...

trust me, after the *other* two resorts we stayed at in the yasawas, we were in no hurry to leave octopus. ;)


Oh -- the Octopus! I miss it so. And I miss Ross. Eugene and I went on his seakayaking/snorkeling trip and shared sandy ham & cheese sandwiches. I returned and promptly told Allyson & Bryan it was the coolest thing I'd ever done.

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